Thursday, December 22, 2011

A Mighty Promise from an Angel

As we are about to remember Christ's birth once again in a couple of days, I was reflecting on the words of the angel Gabriel who came to Mary to announce that she would bear a child. Mary is perplexed by this announcement since she was a virgin. However, the angel mentions: "For nothing will be impossible with God." Luke 1:37

I wonder now: Are our prayers said with this conviction - about nothing being impossible with God?

While it might take a lot of stamina to keep praying for something we desire, it's easy to give up because we don't think God could bring it about. We feel that our problem is maybe too big for God or we're not in the right context for it to happen or we don't deserve to receive a special blessing. The list could continue with detailing all the negatives as to why such a prayer can't be answered.

But maybe if we truly believe that anything is possible with God, we would pray with a different frame of mind. There are no limits; there are no boundaries. God can do anything in any venue and at any time. I believe that most often we are surprised by when and how God does answer prayer.

So, with what frame of mind are you praying today with whatever you bring before God?

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Prayer Network

Where do you turn when you need prayer for yourself? Maybe it is to the congregation; maybe it is to a friend or member of the family. You need others to pray on your behalf.

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has a Web site that is willing to accept prayers and then those requests are given to folks who serve as prayer warriors. You can submit your name for a concern that you have. What I also liked about the page is that you can mention an answered prayer. I believe too often we are only concerned about the asking and not what to do after we have received an answer.

It's nice to know of a valuable resource such as this site and what it offers.