Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Prayer as a Component of Decision-making

My sermon on Sunday will mention that prayer was necessary for the apostles when a replacement had to be found for Judas.  Here is the text from Acts 1:23-24: 

"So, they proposed two, Joseph called Barsabbas, who was also known as Justus, and Matthias.  Then they prayed and said, "Lord, you know everyone's heart.  Show us which one of these two you have chosen to take the place in this ministry and apostleship from which Judas turned aside to go to his own place.

There are certainly many times within the life of a congregation when an important decision has to be made.  While we might just want to rely on majority rule, the invoking of God's presence can be a powerful force to work in the hearts of all those involved.  There are times when insight and guidance is definitely needed.  The reason is that we would like to see and say that God's will is going to be done.

However, even in your personal life, there are probably times when you are in a quandary.  You need to look outside yourself in order to arrive at a decision.  This is where prayer ought to come into the equation.  It shows not only a reliance, but also a partnership with the Creator.

So, what might be pressing on your mind today?  Could you consider prayer as a component in your decision-making?

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

National Day of Prayer

Tomorrow, May 3, is the National Day of Prayer.  Hopefully, there will be many who will be observing this day as a special day of prayer.

As we look at our nation, certainly we have many things to pray for where we do need God's help.  What comes to mind is: 

1.  Our economy
2.  The unemployed
3.  Breaking down prejudice
4.  Help with the education of our young people
5.  Concern over rising health costs and affordability.
6.  The housing market
7.  Becoming a more godly nation
8. Those without faith in Christ coming to faith.

Maybe there are many other things for which you can think that are pressing on our nation.  Will you take the time to pray?