Thursday, April 4, 2013

Praying in Old Age

"Do not cast me off in the time of old age; do not forsake me when my strength is spent."  Psalm 71:9

Prayer is a lifelong adventure.  There is always something for which to pray.  We are never too old in which to pray.  Hopefully we grow in our praying through the years.

As we enter old age our situation also changes.  We might find our health declining, and we might find that more of our friends (and family) have died.  Loneliness might become an issue for us.  While much in our lives might be declining, we might simply find ourselves leaning more on faith.  Our faith may be given more attention.  Then, too, we might be preparing ourselves for our heavenly home.

The psalmist here may have struggled with many difficult situations throughout life; yet, in old age is still willing to remain faithful to God.  God can still be trusted.  It might be the one resource that will sustain us - even in our old age.