Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A Life Consumed with Prayer

Life is fragile.  We never know what can happen.  We can have everything planned out for a vacation, for instance, and then something goes wrong.  Your luggage gets lost by the airlines.  Your car breaks down, even though you had everything checked out before the trip.

Life is filled with uncertainty.  We notice, too, how unrest can flair up suddenly in countries around the world.  Even despite our best diplomacy, something can still go wrong.

This is the world in which you and I live.  Perhaps, we need not be filled with anxiety over it.  We can feel that we are not entirely out of control.  We can believe that we will be not defeated.

I ask you:  How much is prayer a part of your life?  It's possible that everything can seem to be routine.  Everything seems to be stable in your life.  Yet, you cannot predict what can go wrong.

Prayer is a way for you to claim your walk with God.  God is "with you."  In prayer you are ever remembering this fact.  You are also placing your faith in the one who has complete control over history.  Won't you want to walk this path for your life?

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Loving Prayer

Have you ever stopped to take a good hard look at the style of your prayers?  Do they seem to follow the same structure day after day?  Do you try to get quickly to the point?  Do they seem to be very formal?

As we do think about prayer, we must think about the person to whom we are praying and the relationship that we have. In praying to God, do you feel aloof or do you feel close as if you can have an intimate conversation?

Consider that Jesus gave us the commandment to love God with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength.  That means that even in our praying, we ought to have prayers that reflect being in a loving relationship with God.

I have at times found myself praying in a business-like way.  I wanted to just state exactly what it is I needed and not say much more.  Upon further reflection, I realized that I also need to be expressing how much I appreciate God being willing to hear my prayer and also for the great love and mercy that has been shown me. 

Think about your own praying.  Does your praying reflect being in a loving relationship with God?