Friday, February 14, 2014

Prayer as a Mark of Discipleship

I have often thought about what would be the "marks" of discipleship.  Among those that come to mind is that a disciple of Jesus is characterized as one who prays.  I recall reading the words of the apostle Paul in Romans 12 and noticed that prayer is mentioned.  Paul wrote:  "Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer."  Romans 12:12  (you might want to read this chapter to find other marks of a disciple)

Prayer has been given to us as a privilege.  I believe that prayer is not to be used only in times of emergency, but is to be part and parcel of the ongoing life of the Christian.  It is giving thanks, lifting up praise, as well as bringing your concerns about yourself and others to God.  It's above all staying in communion with God.

I noticed that the word "persevere" is used.  What might prevent us from such endurance?  It might be that we simply grow weary in praying, or we believe that we cannot make a difference, or too many days, weeks, years have passed with no results.  Yes, Paul's encouragement is also to us, that we would not give up on this important part of our lives. 

May you persevere in your praying!