Thursday, August 30, 2012

Prayer and Follow-up

Here is the postcard that we use to send to folks for whom we are praying.  They get to be reminded that we are praying for them.  On the card we ask them if they wish for us to continue praying for them.  Maybe their circumstance has changed and wish to be taken off our list.

An important thing mentioned on the card is that we do read the names of people we pray for aloud during our worship.  We believe that each individual is important before God.  I believe that this should make an impact on the person for whom we are praying when they read this.

With this postcard we are doing our follow-up to prayer.  How much follow-up do you do with your own praying?  If praying for someone, do you inquire from time to time how things are going for this individual.  For someone to know that you continue praying for him or her can be a big source of strength.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Praying in Secret

Here is the slogan on our outdoor sign for this week.  The words are based on Jesus' teaching on prayer as found in Matthew 6:6, "But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret." 

I realize that much of our praying is done in church publicly; and, of course, you may be one who prays at home where it is a more solitary experience.  Jesus is stating that we are not to make a show of our praying and praying in secret is a way of safeguarding this posture.  The Pharisees were known for praying in public in order to be seen by others, and you might say prayer was misused.

When you pray in secret there are advantages.
1. You are removing the temptation to develop pride about yourself from any outward display.
2. You are open to your own self-examination and have the time to do it.
3. You are open to pour out your heart to God without fear of criticism from others.
4. You are in a venue where you can listen to God, and prayer becomes a dialogue rather than a monologue.

Think about where you pray and how it works for you.


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Making a Wish

This slogan appeared recently on our outdoor sign at church.  We might wish for many things in life - some of them being nothing more than a pipe dream.  Usually, when we do have a wish, we are hoping  for something big.  While there is something big that we desire in life, there, too, might be a smidgeon of doubt that it will actually materialize.  In the end, it only remains a thought that comes and goes.

Let me tell you how your wish might come true.  Put your wish into a prayer.  Do you believe God is big enough to handle what you want?  If so, you have the resource that you need.

I believe that it is a sad fact of life, that there are many things for which we do not have, because we haven't bothered to ask God. The book of James says, "You do not have, because you do not ask."  James 4:2.

The next time you are daydreaming, think about what you really desire in life that would bring value to you.  Think, too, about committing yourself to a life of prayer.  Ask for it.