For my devotions this morning I read an interesting piece in
Jesus Calling by Sarah Young. I like how she has written from the perspective of Jesus talking directly to you. For January 11, the topic was about bringing our prayer requests before Jesus. We read here: "Then thank Me for the answers that I have set into motion long before you can discern results."
I am sure that the natural tendency is to focus on the time of actually saying the prayer and then the time when the answer is visible. Have we ever thought that the prayer has been "set in motion" and that God's work is going on behind the scenes. I believe it is good to be reminded of this and to give thanks to God that we
believe that the divine power is at work in what we perceive as the in-between time.
The next time you pray for something, in the days thereafter you can give thanks that your request has been set in motion. It will remind you that the answer is on its way.