Thursday, January 28, 2016

Budget Cuts Result in Layoffs - Please Pray

Due to budget cuts, some 750 employees at Lutheran Social Services of Illinois are losing their jobs. The state of Illinois has failed to pay some $6 million that it would contribute to Lutheran Social Services.  You can read more in this news release.

I would ask you to pray for the staff members who have lost their jobs as well as praying for an end to the stalemate that exists for adopting a budget in the General Assembly in Illinois. 

I believe our prayers can help!

Pastor Marty

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

We are now in the midst of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.  The theme for this year is "Called to Proclaim the Mighty Acts of the Lord."

Although the Christian Church has had its divisions over doctrine as well as practice, we still need to pray for us to be able work together in order to fulfill Christ's mission.   Jesus did pray that we might be one.  Our witness will be stronger as we exhibit a sense of oneness that we all have in Christ.

Yes, we in the church are called to proclaim the mighty acts of the Lord.  Churches and individual Christians need to be telling not only the greatness of God but also our own stories of God active in our lives.  This is not always easy in our culture.  We in America have become more diverse and wonder how we will be received.  May we have the courage to speak out on God at work.

Therefore, I would encourage you to pray for your church as well as for your own individual life that you might give testimony to the "mighty acts" of the Lord!

Pastor Marty

Monday, January 11, 2016

The Answer Is on Its Way

For my devotions this morning I read an interesting piece in Jesus Calling by Sarah Young.  I like how she has written from the perspective of Jesus talking directly to you.  For January 11, the topic was about bringing our prayer requests before Jesus.  We read here:  "Then thank Me for the answers that I have set into motion long before you can discern results."

I am sure that the natural tendency is to focus on the time of actually saying the prayer and then the time when the answer is visible.  Have we ever thought that the prayer has been "set in motion" and that God's work is going on behind the scenes.  I believe it is good to be reminded of this and to give thanks to God that we believe that the divine power is at work in what we perceive as the in-between time.

The next time you pray for something, in the days thereafter you can give thanks that your request has been set in motion.  It will remind you that the answer is on its way.