Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A Marathon in Praying

How long are you willing to keep praying for something you earnestly desire? A month? A year? Two years? As long as it takes?

Jesus told the story of a man who went to his friend's house to obtain some bread because a visitor was coming. (Luke 11:5-8) The friend hears the request; and because the door is locked and it is bedtime, is unwilling to help. However, the neighbor keeps knocking and seeking some food; and because of his persistence finally receives what he needs.

The key word here is "persistence." It's having that willingness to keep on praying even when the time is not right. It is to keep on praying even when weariness has set in on us.

The story follows the disciples request to Jesus that he teach them how to pray. What followed was what we call today "The Lord's Prayer" and then Jesus gives this story about persistence.

Why persistence? Maybe it is in God's nature that in due time our prayers will be answered. Maybe, too, it is that God wants to know if we are really serious for what we are praying.

What desires have been in your heart? Would you be willing to see prayer not so much as a sprint, but what might actually be a marathon?

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