Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Praying 2 Hours a Day

Today is the anniversary of Martin Luther's birthday. He was born November 10, 1483.

He was a man of prayer. Luther was known to have prayed two hours a day. Imagine finding the time to pray that much when you think of all the other things he was seeking to do and for the responsibilities he had.

It's not just finding the time, which would be a challenge in our day with our busy schedules, but also having the desire to pray that much. It was said of Luther that the busier he was the more he needed to pray.

So, how many minutes do you pray each day? Would it be about five minutes, ten minutes, fifteen minutes? Would you be able to concentrate for a long period of time to devote yourself to prayer?

This is not just prayer for prayer's sake. It is for being in communion with God and having that desire for God to work and God's will to be accomplished in the world. The time you spend might very well be related to the passion you feel for doing the work of God.

What about you? How would you assess your prayer life?

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