I came across these words in the psalms: "Hear my prayer, LORD God Almighty; listen to me, God of Jacob." Ps. 84:8 Do these words sound redundant? Why should we have to ask God to listen? Are we not sure that God is listening?
I believe that these words go to a deeper level. They display the humility in which the psalmist approaches prayer. The psalmist knows his place in the scheme of creation. He is the creature and God is the Creator.
To ask God "to hear" might sound like a plea; but after all as Martin Luther said about prayer: We are all beggars. We come to God in our sinfulness and hope that God will hear what we have to say.
These words of the psalmist give us direction about our posture in prayer. We can take nothing for granted. There is nothing wrong with acknowledging our humbleness, our need before God.