The realm of praying is often viewed as being within limits. You have something you need; you bring it before God. Most of the time, it seems, we pray because we are faced with a problem - a sickness or some kind of an emergency, where we feel it would be worth our while to call upon God.
But notice these words of the psalmist: "Teach me your way, O Lord, that I may walk in your truth." (Psalm 86:11)
Ever think about praying to have God teach you what you need to know to be an obedient child of God? I have to admit it has been rare in my own life. We think we know what we are to do. We feel we have read enough in the Bible.
Then there is this facet of prayer to also help us align our life with God. Really, it is once again all about the relationship with God. By asking God "to teach us" we show our dependence and our respect for our Creator.
See where you are in your life. Are you hungry for the Lord's ways?