We at Savior Divine just received a shipment of customized T-shirts for our church. Since prayer is a big part of our congregational life, we felt it appropriate to have a saying about prayer on the shirt.
The saying comes from one of our members and offers us a glimpse of how prayer is a foundation and empowering force for our life individually and together as a congregation.
I believe it is important for us to remember that prayer comes as a privilege. We certainly are not worthy to approach God because of our own disobedience; yet, God in his mercy, allows us to be in communication!
It is through prayer that we can have the force of being empowered to do greater things than what we could have ever imagined (John 14:12) . Jesus even talked about us having the ability to move mountains with a small amount of faith! (Matthew 17:20) . When we pray we are placing our needs and concerns into the hands of almighty God who created us and continues to sustain all creation.
The phrase "one prayer at a time" reminds us that we do sometimes take baby steps in moving forward. God's timing can be different from ours. Yet, we pray believing in the awesome power of God to use us for his purposes.
I hope that as others see the members of Savior Divine wearing these shirts that they will be inspired to draw upon prayer. Will you?