Thursday, February 12, 2015

When Prayer Becomes Only the First Option

This week those reading through St. Mark's Gospel have been spending time digesting the content of Chapter 9.  It's the chapter with the transfiguration - which happens to be the focus for this Sunday - but also contains the story of the father who is disappointed that the disciples of Jesus could not heal his son.  The father decides to talk to Jesus directly and the father says to Jesus: "If you are us."   This must have been a last resort plea.  It's interesting though that the father believed that there was a possibility that Jesus could help.

Jesus issues a stern remark about the "faithless generation" before him.

Jesus then rebukes the unclean spirit in the boy and the boy is healed.The disciples are in a quandary here and can't figure out why they couldn't do the same thing that Jesus did.  Jesus reply to them was:  "This kind can come out only through prayer."  Mark 9:29

One wonders here about what Jesus meant by "this kind?"   The boy had an unclean spirit that had overtaken him.  Does this mean that Satan's influence in one's life can only be overcome by prayer? Whatever it is, Jesus is indicating that connection with God's power is in order.

I wonder if you have tried to correct something in your own life and maybe just through sheer will-power, but couldn't get past first base?  Prayer might be needed.  I believe that our connection with God is vital when we seek to move us toward wholeness. We simply can't go it alone.

I would invite your comments regarding Jesus' words!

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