How often do you feel you need to lay out all the details before God in prayer? Maybe it is that you need to cover every angle so that God really understands your particular request. Might it be that you fear God just "won't get it."
When Jesus was talking about prayer to his disciples, to told them that they did not need to heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do. (Matthew 6:7) Jesus said, "Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him."
Amazing, that God knows what we need even before we ask! We have an all-knowing God who deserves to be praised not only for this high knowledge, but also because of the heavenly concern for us as sinful beings to even want to listen to us.
Here's the point. We don't have to lay out every detail before God and worry about whether or not we have said it right. God knows the very depths of our being and for what it is that we are asking. Our few words of prayer can have great meaning.
When Jesus spoke to his disciples about their heavenly Father knowing even before they ask, Jesus immediately gave them a model prayer to use in what we know as the "Lord's Prayer." Surely, you can use this prayer if you do not know what to say.
However, we ought to feel encouraged that our requests with as little words as possible are known to God!