Last week I wrote about the person of Jesus praying for us. We know that in heaven our prayers are put before our very Creator by the Son of God.
There is yet more praying going on in heaven for us. The apostle Paul wrote these words: "Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes* with sighs too deep for words." Romans 8:26
Even when we feel that we are at the end of our rope in praying, even when we feel that we don't know how to put our request into words, the Holy Spirit steps in to intercede on our behalf. The Spirit communicates in a way that we would not understand, yet is known to God.
I find it marvelous how the Holy Trinity comes into play in terms of praying. Imagine thousands, even millions of people throughout our world praying for one particular thing. That is not all. We are even given a boost knowing that Jesus and the Holy Spirit are there helping us along.
The next time that you bring a request before God; know that it is not just your own words - it is not just a human endeavor; but in the heavenly court, your request is known and communicated to God!