One of the most trying times and certainly most personal times for Jesus came after the final Passover meal when he departed with his inner circle of disciples to Gethsemane. Jesus knew what was ahead for him, yet he wanted to do the will of his heavenly Father. He prayed: "My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will." Matthew 26:39
How often do we know a trying time is coming up for us - maybe something we know we must pass through - and yet we would rather side step it. We realize that we must study hard in order to pass a course. We must go through a certain medical therapy if we want to find healing. We must risk trying something new if we want to move ahead in our lives.
Praying into the will of God means that we are willing to submit our lives for what God desires for us. It might not be painless; it might be for our growth.
It's easy to tell God exactly how things should go in our lives. How willing are you to submit to God's will in order to live the life God wants for you?