Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Power of Faith in Prayer

I'm sure there are times when you prayed when you wondered if you had enough faith in order for your prayer to be answered. I believe that many times we may not believe that God could possibly solve the complex problems that we have. If that's the case with you, maybe it's time to think of enlarging your faith.

In Matthew 17 we read of a man coming to Jesus whose son was epileptic. The father had brought his son to Jesus' disciples for healing and discovered that the disciples could not heal him. The father now pleads to Jesus for help. Jesus then heals the boy.

Next, we have the disciples going to Jesus privately and asking why they could not heal the boy. Jesus told them it was because of their little faith.

How much faith do you have when you pray? Are you expecting great things to happen? If you don't, maybe you need to look at what you believe about God. Do you really trust him for all things? Do you believe God go beyond what you can imagine? Or do you simply live by luck and chance in regard to God's working? I hope you will opt for being strong in faith when praying!