Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Praying Making a Qualitative Difference

Last Sunday I began my sermon series on prayer. I posed the question at the end of my message for conversation among the worshipers: "How might prayer make a qualitative difference in a person's life?"

I believe it's easy to think of prayer in terms of quantity: we pray for so many things and obtain so many things. But let's look deeper at the quality aspect.

Surely, we can pray for big concerns such as for an injustice to be overcome or for better economic prosperity in our country. However, I believe the power of prayer is also in what it does to the person that will make a qualitative difference.

By developing a life of prayer, the by-product so to speak, is that you will develop greater communion with God. You will see your life in a way where every step is to be guided by the God who made you. You will also have found an anchor for your life. Who does not need something like this amid the chaos and uncertainty in our world today?

Another aspect is that you will grow in your conversation with God. You will find that your concerns might even change or how you pray for a certain concern will change over time. This is all personal growth on your part.

Therefore, I believe if you take prayer seriously and really dig deep into it, you will reap the benefits so that prayer not only changes things, but you as well.

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