Thursday, November 7, 2013

Spontaneous Prayer

My style of praying has changed somewhat during our regular Sunday worship.  We usually have the general prayers printed out in the bulletin for each Sunday.  These prayers  would not all be the same from one Sunday to the next.  Lately, I have switched to a different mode where I am doing more with just spontaneous praying when we get to the Pastoral Prayer (and even have some quiet background music!).

With this kind of praying I feel more flexible and can even focus more on major happenings - locally, nationally, or worldwide that may occur at the last minute.  I do enjoy being more flexible and feel it helps me to have more of an up-to-date ministry.

Now lets think about our own personal praying.  For myself, I have a number of things for which I pray at home - my godchildren, family, the day's work, for safety and protection. However, I do find that at times I am using the same phrases or have been praying for the same concerns.  Yes, I would like to be more spontaneous and move in a free form direction.  I don't want to appear stilted in my praying, but let it be heartfelt as I approach God in prayer.

So, how is it with you?  Do you feel a freedom in your praying or do you find yourself tied down to the same phrases?  Is your praying letting you be yourself and speak freely to God?

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