When it comes to prayer, one can think of the myriad of prayers being offered in worship and also during the week in various places wherever people of faith feel the need to speak to God. Imagine that there is a continual "live streaming" of prayer to our heavenly God!
Now, one might ask: Are there prayers being offered to God beyond us mere mortals? It is comforting to know that there is!
Amid all of the prayers from human beings, the Bible tells us that there are also prayers from Jesus himself being offered up to God. In the New Testament we read: "Consequently he is able for all time to save* those who approach God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them. Hebrews 7:25
Jesus is praying for us! That ought to mean a lot to us. The one who shared our humanness, the one who prayed in his own life here on earth, now prays in heaven for you and me. The next time you feel alone, you can know that there is more power, more concern, than what you could ever imagine. There are prayers by the Son of God being spoken on your behalf.