Thursday, May 23, 2013

My Food Pantry Prayers

Every Thursday afternoon I go downstairs to the food pantry at the church and have a time of prayer with the volunteers minutes before the pantry opens.  As I do so, it reminds me that the pantry is indeed a ministry  in itself. I pray in recognition that the pantry is a God-given opportunity to reach out to people, to be Jesus hands and feet to those in our neighboring communities.

Here are usually the points in my prayer.

1.  Thank God for the volunteers (usually seven to eight people show up to help each week)
2.  Thank God for the food that has arrived during the week from local grocery stores or from donations by individuals.
3.  Pray for the clients who come that they not only will be nourished by the food they receive, but also experience God's love by coming to the pantry.
4.  Pray for the clients to be strengthened in their daily lives and be able to cope with the many issues that they must be facing, that go beyond their need for food.

As I have greeted the clients arriving and have had some time to chat with them, some of them have revealed their need for personal prayer.  I am able to offer up their concerns to God.

Yes, the act of praying keeps me firmly rooted in this being a ministry.

[Elsie's Food Pantry is a joint ministry of Savior Divine Lutheran Church and Moraine Valley Community Church]

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