Tuesday, May 7, 2013

While Praying - Anything Can Happen

A couple of Sundays ago, I had preached on the story of Peter having a special vision that resulted in him going to the home of Cornelius where his family heard the good news and were baptized. (Acts 11)

Here's what really struck me about this story...

Cornelius was praying and all of a sudden an angel appears before him.  The angel instructs him to send a messenger to Peter and ask him to come.  (Acts 10:30-32)

Then, we have Peter who is praying in Joppa and while praying he has a vision.  It's one of a large sheet filled with animals coming down from heaven.  Peter is told to eat the animals even though they are unclean.  The long story short -- is that Peter would end up at the home of Cornelius because God's word is now being extended to the Gentiles.

What blew me away was what happened to both Peter and Cornelius while praying.  I don't know if anything as dramatic as what they experienced would happen to us, but it does make me see something about praying and connecting to God.  I believe we never know what God can do. Maybe a special thought will enter your mind.  Maybe the phone will ring with news you have been waiting to hear.  So, how is it with your praying?  Do you believe that in connecting with God, God wants to intervene in your life?

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