Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Giving God our Undivided Attention

I want to continue with touching on the book The Only Necessary Thing, writings of Henri Nouwen compiled and edited by Wendy Wilson Greer.  I came across  the statement that Nouwen makes that "we need to set aside a time and space to give God our undivided attention."  Jesus told us to go to a room and shut the door (Matt. 6:6) and we know that Jesus would often go off by himself to have private time for prayer.

I can't but help to think of all the distractions that occur in my life.  In my own condo, there is often outside noise of traffic or of contractors.  There are other people coming and going in my building.  I might hear some music playing loudly from a passing car or the sirens of the police or fire trucks.

But then, there are the distractions brought on by myself.  While I want to find the quiet time, my mind might wander to what I will do later in the day or the next day.  Or I might be upset about something and can't get it out of my mind. The telephone might ring only to find it is a telemarketer.

As I do find that precious time to be alone with God, I find it helpful first to meditate on the three persons of the Trinity.  That way I am indicating that I am giving my undivided attention to God. The focus of my attention will be on God.  As I get deeper in my quiet time and go into prayer, I try to be in a posture where I can be fully open to God.

How do you deal with the distractions of life and how might you put yourself in a position to give your undivided attention to God?

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