Tuesday, October 1, 2013

To Pray or Not to Pray

There are times when we may actually deliberate about prayer. To pray or not to pray is what we mull over in our minds.  Am I really in need of God's help or could I wing it on my own.  Consider what not praying might be saying about you.

1.  I don't need God, I am self-sufficient for the task.
2.  I doubt whether God would want to help me in this situation.
3.  I don't have the time to get into a deep relationship with God.
4.  I am not worthy for God to respond to my request.

We could list one reason after another as to why we aren't praying for an important matter in our lives or for a particular circumstance that may affect the lives of others.  Maybe we need to rethink prayer and what it all means.
 1.  Do I believe in the relationship it establishes with God?
 2.  Might it not change my attitude about a certain circumstance?
 3. Might it reveal a weakness I have about being self-sufficient?
 4. Might it be too much of a surprise in terms of what prayer could do?

When we choose to pray, we are showing a different mind-set about how we view the world and even ourselves.  We acknowledge that we are the creatures and God is the Creator.  It is God who has the power and can do all things, even beyond our own imagination.  So does the choice come to you often or are you deeply rooted in a life of prayer?

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